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The poster reads: "WAR. Men of Warwickshire, join your brothers. We are proud of you." Aim your mouse pointer at the tie of each volunteer, and the boy, to see names and dates. They are posing outside the police station in Stourton, now a private residence.  If your browser does not show the names, look at the bottom of page 3 of photo descriptions. Names of all 26 who had volunteered by September 1914 are here.

Fred Bailey, brother of George. (1904-2002) John Edward (Jack) Thornett  (1875-1916) - cousin of Harry Bailey Francis Henry (Frank) Gillett (1892-1962) Arthur William Ivens, or his brother Ernest John unidentified George Bailey (1898-1977) Harry Bailey (1893-1916) Riley Brewer  (1889-1957) unidentified Albert Woolliams unidentified Bert Jarrett Fred Bailey 1884-1973 (brother of Harry) -- Joiner, prob. Wilfred George Bryan (1897-?) #top

Those identified are (1) Ada Bailey (m. Wm Compton) (2) & (3) brothers Fred Bailey and

  Harry Bailey (4) their cousinJack Thornett (5) Albert Woolliams (6) [?] Rev H.O. Barratt  (7) John Bailey senr., father of Fred & Harry (8) Riley Brewer (9) (with cigarette) — Joyner (10) Bert Jarrett (11) George Bryan (12) David Bailey.

According to birth and census records, George Bryan was 17 years old, and David Bailey, 16, and therefore too young to join up. Yet both were among the 250,000 volunteers accepted despite being below the minimum ages of 18, or 19 if to serve abroad. Local worthies turned a blind eye - why deny a young lad the opportunity to serve his country? No proof of age was required by the authorities, and as for the recruiting officers, they were paid 2s 6d per recruit (around £6 today). Indeed, some officers considered that the fresh air and good food of army life would benefit the many under-nourished boys signing on. Above all, most people thought the war would be over before the boys were ready to go overseas.

Herbert Osborn Barratt (1871-1947) was Rector of Cherington 1907-19, and Diocesan Inspector of Schools in the Worcester Diocese from 1908 to 1919. He published at least three books including, in 1914, "The Wreck of the Titanic".